unlock your full potential
transform your life
Build a faster brain and achieve more
Higher Academic Results
Career Progression
Growth in Self-Confidence
Greater Emotional Skills
Faster Cognitive Processing
Better Working Memory
Your brain is central to everything you do
*15-minute 1:1 call
A1 student open day
Our next open day
12.15 pm-1.15 pm
If you’re ready to start right away, book your 1 on 1 free consult HERE
Our open days are a great opportunity for parents and adult students to see the range of cognitive exercises which make up the Arrowsmith Program.
Spaces are limited so that you can try some exercises for yourself and speak with our A1 parents and students about their results.
Secure your place today by filling in the form and we will contact you in advance of our next Open Day.
change your brain
change your life