Arrowsmith has over 40 years' research and development.
The brain strengthens and forms new neural pathways to improve it's performance.
By addressing the underlying deficit, students see improves to their learning.
Evidence based research & Brain imaging prove the effectiveness of Arrowsmith.
Development of a growth mindset results in academic achievement, personal growth and social benefits.
Student work is constantly synchronised and assessed by Arrowsmith Toronto in real-time.
Over 10% of individuals have a learning challenge. We help them improve their learning.
Arrowsmith is not like a traditional class. Each student is assisted by a team of qualified teachers and program facilitators.
Our online remote programs are accessible from school, office or home.
Arrowsmith designs a seperate program for each student.
Our families are happy to talk about the positive changes they see from Arrowsmith.
We provide a comprehensive support structure for our students and their families.